#16. Telepathy through Contemporary Art with Dr Jacquelene Drinkall.

Performance, Installation, Curation and Writing

Performance, Installation, Curation and Writing

Released for the new moon 6th October 2021

Jacquelene Drinkall, 'Weatherman UFOlogy (Kandos Occupation)', industrial formed High Impact Acrylic, demountable structure, 464cm x 464cm x 250cm, installation view of test installation at Cementa_13 Art festival, 2013.jpeg

Top Image: Jacquelene Drinkall, Solstice Telepathy, Conjoined Dyadic Headpiece/s made from hand woven telecommunications wire and performed live on the Bow River, Banff National Park, on the evening of the Summer Solstice. Performers: Colin Wintz and Annie Macmillan, Photographer: Hannah Imlach. Artwork concept, direction, production, and hand weaving of telecommunications wire by the artist, Jacquelene Drinkall.

Bottom Image: Jacquelene Drinkall, 'Weatherman UFOlogy (Kandos Occupation)', demountable architecture made from industrial vacuum-formed High Impact Acrylic, marine ply and hardware, 464cm (width) x 464cm (depth) x 250cm (height); installation view at Cementa_13 in 2013; 2006-2016 and an ongoing project.

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ceramics, installation, found object, drawing Sarah Breen Lovett ceramics, installation, found object, drawing Sarah Breen Lovett

#7. Material to Metaphysical with Jacqueline Spedding

Released for the full moon 30th November 2020

Deep time, interconnectedness and the alchemy of ceramics, drawing and found object installation .

Jacqueline Spedding, Shelter, 2014. Photograph by Ona Janzen.jpg

Top Image: Jacqueline Spedding, Cold comfort, 2018-2020. Found cast iron fireplace, handmade glazed earthenware tiles, digital image projection, ceramic leaves, coal, bushfire debris, organic matter. Fireplace 140 x 120 x 32 cm. Photograph by Ona Janzen

Bottom Image: Jacqueline Spedding, Shelter - installation detail, 2014-15. Found organic material, plaster. Dimensions variable. Photograph by Ona Janzen

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