#7. Material to Metaphysical with Jacqueline Spedding

Released for the full moon 30th November 2020

Deep time, interconnectedness and the alchemy of ceramics, drawing and found object installation .

Jacqueline Spedding, Shelter, 2014. Photograph by Ona Janzen.jpg

Top Image: Jacqueline Spedding, Cold comfort, 2018-2020. Found cast iron fireplace, handmade glazed earthenware tiles, digital image projection, ceramic leaves, coal, bushfire debris, organic matter. Fireplace 140 x 120 x 32 cm. Photograph by Ona Janzen

Bottom Image: Jacqueline Spedding, Shelter - installation detail, 2014-15. Found organic material, plaster. Dimensions variable. Photograph by Ona Janzen


#8. Interdimensional and Interspecies Communication with Ben Denham and Bernie Durnheim


#6. Rituals of Play with Peachey and Mosig